- Low back pain: This is a common injury in resistance training, especially when doing exercises that involve heavy weights and incorrect form. To avoid low back pain, use proper form and technique when lifting weights, and consider using a weight belt to support your lower back.
- Shoulder impingement: This injury occurs when the tendons or bursae (tiny fluid-filled sacs) in the shoulder become irritated or inflamed. To avoid shoulder impingement, focus on proper form and technique when performing exercises like shoulder presses, and consider using a resistance band or light dumbbells to start.
- Tennis elbow: This injury occurs when the tendons in the elbow become strained or inflamed, often due to repetitive movements. To avoid tennis elbow, use proper form when lifting weights, and consider using wrist wraps or straps to support your wrists.
- Wrist fractures: These injuries can occur when lifting heavy weights or using improper form, leading to a fracture in the wrist bones. To avoid wrist fractures, use proper form when lifting weights, and consider using wrist wraps or straps to support your wrists.
- Ankle sprains: These injuries occur when the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn, often due to improper landing or unstable footing. To avoid ankle sprains, wear proper shoes and pay attention to your footing when performing exercises.
- Knee injuries can occur when the knee is subjected to too much stress or force, often due to improper form or technique. To avoid knee injuries, focus on proper form and technique when performing exercises like squats and lunges, and consider using a knee wrap or brace to support your knees.
- Pulled muscles: These injuries occur when a muscle is stretched or torn, often due to improper form or overuse. To avoid pulled muscles, use proper form when lifting weights, and consider using a resistance band or light dumbbells to start.
- Fractures: These injuries can occur when the bones in the body are subjected to too much stress or force, often due to improper form or technique. To avoid fractures, use proper form when lifting weights, and consider using a weight belt or wrist wraps to support your body.
- Tendinitis: This injury occurs when the tendons in the body become inflamed or strained, often due to overuse or improper form. Use proper form when lifting weights to avoid tendinitis, and pay attention to your technique.
- Repetitive strain injuries occur when a specific body part is subjected to repetitive movements, leading to inflammation or strain. To avoid repetitive strain injuries, vary your workouts and pay attention to your form and technique.
Remember, it's always essential to use proper form and technique when performing resistance training exercises and to consult with a trainer or healthcare professional if you need clarification on any aspect of your workouts. Taking these precautions can minimize your risk of injury and get the most out of your resistance training.